Abdallah Gamal

Refund and Returns Policy:

At [Abdallah Gamal LTD], we are committed to providing the highest quality service and ensuring our clients’ satisfaction with our customized plans. We strive to meet and exceed your expectations throughout the entire process. However, we understand that circumstances may arise where you may wish to request a refund or return.

Refund Eligibility:

  1. Customized Plans: We take great care in tailoring personalized training and nutrition plans to your specific needs and goals. Once you have received your customized plan, we are unable to offer refunds.

  2. Technical Errors: In the unlikely event of any technical errors or discrepancies with your order, we will promptly address the issue to ensure you receive the correct plan.

  3. Unforeseen Circumstances: If, due to unforeseen circumstances, we are unable to deliver the agreed-upon services as outlined in your plan, a refund may be considered at our discretion.

Returns Policy:

As our services primarily involve digital content delivery, we do not accept returns or exchanges for any of our products, including customized plans. We encourage you to carefully review your plan before confirming your order to ensure all details accurately reflect your preferences and goals.

Our Commitment:

While refunds are not applicable once you have received your customized plan, we are fully dedicated to your satisfaction. If you have any concerns or require adjustments to your plan, please contact our customer support team, and we will do our best to address any issues promptly.


If you wish to cancel your order before receiving your customized plan, please contact us as soon as possible. Depending on the status of your order and the amount of work completed, a partial refund may be considered.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries, concerns, or to request assistance with your plan, please reach out to our customer support team at [Contact@abdallahgamal.com ]. We are here to support you on your journey to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Please Note:

This Refund and Returns Policy is subject to change without prior notice. Any updates will be published on our website and will apply to future purchases.

Last updated: [17/07/2023]

[Abdallah Gamal LTD] reserves the right to make the final decision on all refund and return requests.

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